Whether you’re looking to build a house, an addition, or a do a renovation, working with an architect can be a worthwhile investment. An architect can help turn your ideas into reality. We can customize the design of your project keeping all your specific goals, needs, and aesthetics in mind. We can walk you through the approval and permitting process. We can also oversee the project’s construction process to ensure the project is getting built to the appropriate standards and level of quality.
As architects, we always have curious people asking us one of two questions: “What Does An Architect Do?” and “Do I need an architect to build a house or addition?”.
In today’s post, we are going to discuss whether you should work with an architect on your next residential project. For now, we’re going to stick to residential projects. So homeowners, perk up those ears and let’s dig in.

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Do I need an architect for my house project?
The answer is: it depends – and here’s why:
Step 1 – Do I NEED an architect?
Determine whether you legally need an architect’s stamp on drawings to obtain a building permit. Each state and local jurisdiction individually regulate the requirements needed to obtain a building permit. There are generally a handful of conditions that when met will exempt a project from requiring stamped drawings from an architect. For instance, houses no more than 2 stories usually do not require an architect. It’s not always this black and white though so its best to speak with your local building department to be sure. They will tell you whether you need an architect or not. If you’ve determined that you need one, then be sure to find an architect that is a good fit for you and your project.
Here is an excerpt pulled from California Architects Board’s website regarding limitations of unlicensed persons in designing buildings in California.

Step 2 – Do I WANT an architect?
If you’ve determined that you don’t legally need an architect, next consider whether you WANT to work with an architect or if a designer or draftsperson is better. Would you and your project benefit from the services an architect can provide?
While some architects may tell you it’s always better to work with an architect, the truth is, it’s not always appropriate for all people and all projects. What you need to do is review your project goals, the level of involvement you want to have in the project, and the design aesthetic you’d like. Whether you’re looking to build a new house, add an addition, or renovate an existing house consider the following points to determine if working with an architect is appropriate for your next project.
You should work with an architect (when ANY of these apply to you):
1. If you want to build your dream home, are fortunate enough to own/buy a piece of property to build on, and have the financial means to build the project
2. If you want a design that requires a unique vision, a rich design aesthetic and/or structural changes
3. If you want to build an addition or renovate a space where the design is sensitive to the architecture of your existing home
4. If you want a site-specific design that takes advantage of the surrounding environment, both in how the site is used and how the house/addition responds to the site (daylighting, views, materials)
5. If you are building in an area where there is strict permitting process where various agency approvals might be required
BUT, working with an architect might not be best for your project (when ALL of these apply to you):
1. If you already know exactly what you want, when you like working directly with a contractor, and when you are familiar with construction enough to not be taken advantage of by the contractor
2. If design isn’t a main concern for you
3. If you are ok with a generic design aesthetic or a cookie-cutter solution
Notice we didn’t mention anything about design fees as a reason not to work with an architect. Architectural services do come at a cost, but usually, the value an architect provides pays for itself over time. Full architectural services may not be right for everyone, but there are smaller individual services that can enhance your project at a fraction of the cost. If you’re interested in learning more about these kinds of a la carte design packages, check out our Individual Design Services.
Benefits of Working With an Architect on Your Next Residential Project
Now that we’ve discussed whether you need or should work with an architect, the decision should be easier to make. We understand that some of you may still be on the fence about whether you should actually work with an architect or not, and that’s OK. If you’re one of those indecisive people, consider the following value added benefits an architect can provide for your project.
Creatively interpret your ideas – An architect can creatively integrate your wants, needs, goals, and ideas for the project, creating spaces that work well for those who live, work, and play in them.
Unique skill set and knowledge base – An architect combines design ideas with construction knowledge. We consider materiality, durability, efficiency, cost, and engineering criteria to create a coherent design that meets your needs and goals.
Professional management – Architects are planners. We can manage a project professionally, coordinate and avoid costly construction delays, and provide value for the money and peace of mind that the project will be successful.
Good value for the money – Paying for architects’ services can be money well spent. Our input can be invaluable in developing design solutions that reduce construction bills, reduce operating costs and add long-term value to your property.
Peace of mind – An architect can guide you through the complex regulatory procedures to obtain a building permit and assist you in contract negotiations with a contractor. We also know the construction industry’s practices and standards and can act as your advisor throughout the construction process.
For a more in-depth look at many of these benefits and values, check out our posts: Benefits of Working With an Architect and 5 Ways Architects Add Value & Save You Money.
We hope you find this information useful when considering an architect for your next project. If you have an interesting project in mind and would like to learn more about whether we would be a good fit, please contact us.

Get it here: The Value of Working With an Architect Guide